The cast of the National Youth Theatre production of Blue Stockings at the Yard Theatre – CREDIT Helen Murray
It’s just coming up to that time of year when the new university students enrol and start their three year journey that will culminate in them putting on a cap and gown, walking across some form of stage, shaking hands with someone wearing an even more ornate cap and gown then receiving a rolled up piece of parchment while their proud friends and families look on and “social mediarise” the event like there is no tomorrow. Graduation Day ceremonies are beautiful to watch as students of every creed, colour, gender, pick up their awards. Of course, it hasn’t always been like this, and this is the central theme of Jessica Swale’s play Blue Stockings which the National Youth Theatre is currently presenting at The Yard Theatre.
It is 1897 and leading academic Dr Maudsley (Dajay Brown) explains to the audience the profound and immutable – at least to him and his ilk – reasons why ladies should not be encouraged to take up education. Meanwhile, in Girton College, Cambridge and flying in the face of male opposition, four young ladies are beginning their academic career. The four – Celia (Millie Boardman), Tess (Mischa Jones), Caroline (Nadia Hirsi) and Maeve (Simran Hunjun) – under the watchful eye of Governess Miss Welsh (Amy Parker) and radical feminist tutor Miss Blake (Laura Trosser), are all hoping to be scientists when the graduate. Ah wait, there is a problem there as ladies are not permitted to graduate from Cambridge – or any other university – so their learning is purely to pass a test. Not only is there no chance of obtaining a degree at the end of their course, but the ladies have to put up with the constant rude remarks of the male undergraduates such as Edwards (James Walsh), Holmes (Samuel Creasey) and the truly odious Lloyd (Maxwell Hayes) who find women in college to be a very amusing thing indeed. There seems to be no way to overcome the prejudice and even Tess’s best friend from home, Will (Quinton Arigi) seems to turn against her as the year goes on. Will the ladies ever get the recognition for their work or should they just go back home and fulfill man’s destiny for them by becoming respectable wives and mothers?
Blue Stockings is a really fascinating and imaginative story to want to tell. Whilst there is a feminist vibe to the piece, the reality is that the four ladies at Girton go through the same struggles that most minority groups encounter as they seek to achieve the same rights as the majority. Whether it is 1897 or 2017, people defending the status quo will use the most bizarre, contrived and vicious arguments to get their point across. In 1897, it was thought that educating women would lead to the collapse of civilisation. Running backwards and forwards through time, it is possible to hear the same argument has been used to fight against the repeal of slavery, equal marriage and giving the vote to 16-year-olds. Good to see that the ‘establishment’ has moved on so well.
Unfortunately, I found Jessica Swale’s narrative a bit uneven in its treatment of the history here. For example, it was thought that women did not have the capacity to concentrate on too many things at once and sure enough, when Tess falls in love with an undergraduate by the name of Ralph (Oscar Porter-Brentford), the first thing she does is let her studies go and then has trouble remembering things during an examination. There were a couple of other examples where I felt the narrative was slightly out of synch with the story being told.
However, turning aside from that, I was generally impressed with the quality of acting from the large ensemble cast. The lead ladies worked well together and came across as a well-bonded group who were happy to look out for each other almost like family members. I really liked Amy Parker and her portrayal of Miss Welch – particularly at the end of the first act was really good.
Alice Knight’s direction was good, with the actors not on stage sitting quietly in the wings Kate Lane’s very minimal design worked on the whole, but I must admit to getting distracted by the overhead projectors, which also felt way out of period for the play.
Overall, I did enjoy Blue Stockings. The subject was fascinating and the acting pretty good. For me, there were some issues with the staging and the writing itself but overall, I found it to be an enjoyable evening learning something new and seeing some great new talent that I’m sure to hear more of in the future.
Dawid Minnar Janine Ulfane – Photograher credit Alixandra Fazzina. “Survival of the fittest” is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. Which means that even in the most inhospitable of placers, life will find a way – even if at times, you may look and think what’s the point? For example, in South Africa, the aloe plant is considered one of the country’s most powerful, beautiful and celebratory symbols. It survives out in the wild when everything else is dried. At the end of everything, the aloe is still there. And it is this survival that is at the heart of Athol Fugard’s A Lesson From Aloes which has returned to the UK and is currently in residence at the Finborough Theatre. Set in South Africa in 1963, where apartheid is at its height and the citizens are living in a paranoid police state. The play revolves around a middle-aged left-leaning couple – Afrikaner Piet Bezuidenhout (Dawid Minnaa...
Since 1912, the Blackburn Musical Theatre Company has been entertaining the theatre going folks of this Lancashire town with their annual musical production. In that time, they have covered the vast array of musical theatre from their first production - Sunday - through to their latest - Hello Dolly - which I caught at the Blackburn Empire Theatre. Dolly Gallagher Levi (Sue Chadwick) is a woman that likes to meddle, or as she puts it, arrange things. Whatever you need doing, Dolly is the person for the job. And right now, she is the talk of turn of the century New York, having brought together Mr Horace Vandergelder (Kris Wlodarczyk), the well-known half-a-millionaire and Mrs Irene Molloy (Laura Mitchell) a widowed millener. Their engagement and subsequent marriage seems pretty much sewn up though neither is marrying for love. Horace, as he tells his Chief Clerk, Cornelius Hackl (Ryan Coe), and Assistant, Barnaby Tucker (Fletcher Illingworth), is looking fo...
Since July 2014, I've seen and reviewed 588 shows altogether. 2017 was a fairly quiet year with a total of 132 shows visited by yours truly. So, in the best traditions of end of the year ideas, here is my list of the top 10 shows that I've seen this year. Please remember, this is my list not anybody else's and if you don't agree with the pick, well, what can I say? 1. Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Bridewell Theatre This story of friendship and hope took two drag queens and a trans woman from Sydney to Alice Springs, in a big pink bus. Along the way, the met new friends and face rampant homophobia. SEDOS brought every element of the show together beautifully, and to a standard that you would expect to see in the West End. Sold out virtually as soon as it was announced, this was the ‘must see production of the year. 2. La Cage aux Folles, New Wimbledon Theatre This is was a touring production of a show that demonstrates the importance of family a...
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